Fixer - PC Security
We can automatically restore a PC to the required system state. It can be configured so that every time a workstation is restarted, it is perfectly configured and available, to a pre-determined state as specified by the IT team.
It is perfect for an environment where PCs are available to multiple users (e.g. schools, libraries etc.).
We can also restore a faulty PC which is not booting correctly.
For users with little IT knowledge or who experience ongoing problems, you don’t need a cyber security consultant every time – this is the solution. Just re-boot and the system is back up and running in no time.

Key Features & Benefits
- Restore on reboot or log-off.
- Restore on idle PC (no PC activity).
- Restore on an hourly, daily or weekly schedule.
- Restore daily on first startup of day.
- Automatically accept OS and anti-virus updates.
- Keep important data using “immune space”.
- Block access to CD ROM & USB ports.
- Protect unlimited hard disk partitions.
- Easily write-protect each hard disk with two clicks.
- Remote management console for remote network administration.